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Electrical Maintenance Service throughout Western Australia

Sampson Electrical is a provider of services to customers in WA in markets including, all commercial construction, residential construction, and electrical services and maintenance for homes and businesses alike .At Sampson Electrical, customers are at the heart of everything we do. It is our relationships with them that assist us to deliver shared success. To find out more call 9240 4425


Sampson Electrical Contractors are committed to a policy of providing high quality products and services in a manner which will protect and improve the environment for all of our activities. We will work closely with our clients, contractors, the community, industry and external agencies to establish the controls by which we can make a positive contribution towards innovative and cost-effective and sustainable environmental outcomes. Responsible management of environmental issues is an essential part of achieving our business objectives.

Accordingly, we are committed to conducting our activities in ways which will:

The Environmental Management System will:

  • Improve our awareness and management of environmental risks and avoid, reduce and prevent pollution. 

  • Comply with environmental legislation and other requirements.

  • Promote waste minimization and energy management.

We, through our management and workers, will ensure our operations comply with this policy by developing, implementing and maintaining an environmental Management system.

  • Set a clear policy direction for environmental issues and objectives.

  • Contain measurable objectives and targets.

  • Establish systems for auditing monitoring and reporting performance. 

  • Identify and promptly resolve any non-conformance's and document any necessary procedural changes.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Sampson Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd As Trustee for the Sampson Parry Unit Trust ABN 96 102 519 920
Date: 09/01/2023


Sampson Electrical Contractors are committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for our workers and for contractors and visitors to the workplace.

This will be achieved by:

  • The adoption and promotion of the provisions and compliance of the relevant legislation.

  • Significant importance being placed on the areas of hazard/risk management and injury prevention strategies


We understand the creation and maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment is a major part of our overall responsibilities, and that all workers with management or supervisory responsibilities are personally accountable for the health and safety of workers and visitors in their specific work areas. In conjunction with this policy, individual safe work procedures, risk assessments and safe work method statements have been prepared in consultation with relevant workers and issued. We expect workers, at all levels within the organisation, including contractors and visitors to our workplaces, to follow safe work practices as prescribed under the legislation and in our policies and procedures. They shall make every effort to eliminate work related injuries and illness to themselves and others. We will provide adequate resources, including regular training on work health and safety to manage and maintain the system fulfill measurable objectives and targets, and provide and promote rehabilitation. We constantly strive for continual improvement to our system.Work Health and Safety is important and we have an obligation to ensure a safe and healthy working environment. We encourage everyone to actively participate so that we may achieve this goal.

This policy will be reviewed on an annual basis.
Sampson Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd As Trustee for the Sampson Parry Unit Trust ABN 96 102 519 920

Date: 09/01/2023

Sampson Electrical Contractors Pty Ltd

As Trustee for The Sampson Parry Unit Trust

ABN 96 102 519 920

Unit 2, 20 Gibberd Road

Balcatta, WA, 6021


Office - (08) 9240 4425

Mobile - 0438 932 261

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